
Zero TV

Read about how (mostly Millennials) are skipping cable, satellite, and over-the-airwaves TV. And here is one more about the same. And one more.


Anonymous said...

It is becoming increasingly easier to work around the cable TV schedule. A few friends of mine used to change their auxiliary emails every month so they could share a free month of Netflix for each person as a group. Netflix doesn't know the difference; if the email changes, they assume the person does.

Steve Scherer said...

Good point, Matt. Users sharing one account on Netflix, Hulu Plus, HBO Go, is becoming the new Napster.

Anonymous said...

I'm really not surprised. Especially with college students, who don't want to have to pay money that their parents want them spending on important things, likes books and food and supplies. I concur that I, too don't like spending money on entertainment, but I've learned a thing or two in personal management to know what's good to buy and what's a waste of my money.